Ident 113

Install Ident User Enumeration Tool:

sudo apt install ident-user-enum

Usage Example:

You can use the ident-user-enum tool to identify users on services that expose the Ident (RFC 1413) protocol on specific ports (such as SSH, Telnet, FTP, and SMB).

ident-user-enum 22 113 139 445

This command will check the following ports on the target IP (

  • 22: SSH

  • 113: Ident Protocol

  • 139: SMB

  • 445: SMB over TCP

The tool will attempt to enumerate valid users by sending requests to these ports and examining the Ident responses.

2. Manual Ident Query with Netcat (Optional)

You can manually query an Ident service using nc (Netcat) as follows:

nc -v 113

If the Ident service is running and responsive, it will return an output similar to:

Connection to 113 port [tcp/ident] succeeded!

You can also test against specific services like SSH (port 22), FTP (port 21), etc., if you're looking to identify users interacting with those services.

3. Additional Enumeration

While ident-user-enum is a great tool for checking multiple services at once, you can also manually query specific ports, especially if you're narrowing down to a single service or investigating specific vulnerabilities.

Last updated