Ms-SQL 1433
1. Nmap for MSSQL Enumeration:
Search for related Nmap scripts:
Run Nmap with selected MSSQL scripts:
Run specific MSSQL scripts:
2. Metasploit Modules for MSSQL:
Common MSSQL Metasploit modules:
These modules allow you to:
Enumerate MSSQL logins and domain accounts.
Dump hashes and retrieve database schema.
3. Bruteforcing MSSQL with Hydra:
Bruteforce with a username list:
Bruteforce with a password list:
4. Connecting to MSSQL with Impacket:
SQL Authentication:
Windows Authentication:
5. Connecting to MSSQL with sqsh:
Basic connection:
Connect to a specific database:
6. SQL Commands for Enumeration:
Get all users:
Switch to a specific database:
List available databases:
List tables within a database:
Get content from a table:
Get the MSSQL version:
Check permission to execute OS commands:
Get linked servers:
Create a new user with sysadmin privileges:
Get the current username:
Last updated